Privacy Notice

We understand some patients may wish for more information on the data processing we undertake and how this complies with the General Data Protection Regulations. We have developed a library of notices below. If you feel anything is missing then please contact surgery by 02074602222

During the COVID pandemic we have signed an agreement with our Local Authorities to allow trained Public Health personnel access to a limited amount of patient information. This has been restricted to the contact details of North West London patients over 50 years old, who do not live in the Grenfell area, who are eligible for but have not received COVID vaccination. The purpose is to provide those patients with direct care and to save lives by increasing the update of COVID vaccination. The legal basis for sharing is the short term COPI legislation (introduced by the secretary of state for health for just this purpose) and when the COPI legislation expires the data will be deleted. We have taken measures to ensure this data is safely transmitted and managed securely and that PH personnel are trained to understand their professional responsibilities of confidence.”

Please find below all of our Privacy Notice and further information on how we handle Data safely and securely:

Click here for GPES Digital transparency notice:GPES Data for pandemic planning and research (COVID 19)

Click here for Privacy Notice-DirectCare

Click here for Privacy Notice-Emergencies

Click here for Privacy Notice-National screening

Click here for Privacy Notice-Payments

Click here for Privacy Notice-Public Health

Click here for Privacy Notice-Police

Click here for Privacy Notice-SMS Text Messages

Click here for Privacy Notice-Pharmacy Collection of FP10s

Click here for Privacy Notice-Open-Exeter

Click here for Privacy Notice-DVLA

Click here for Privacy Notice-CQC

Click here for Privacy Notice-Payments

Click here for Privacy Notice-Summary Care Record

Click here for Privacy Notice-NHS Digital

Click here for Privacy Notice-Safeguarding