Men’s Health Fair at Violet Melchett, Thursday 13th June

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To celebrate Men’s Health Week, we are Holding a Men’s Health Fair at the Violet Melchett Health and Wellbeing Hub on Thursday the 13th of June from 6-8pm.

The event will aim to raise awareness of common men’s health issues, bringing local residents, healthcare professionals and community organisations in order to promote men’s mental and physical health.

Targeting working-age men (40-65) from groups experiencing health inequalities, we’ll be offering: 

-A heart health check (BP, AF, height/weight) overseen by GPs (if any GPs at your practices might be free/interested this would be welcome – sessions will be fully reimbursed!)

-Information on prostate health

-Information on Community Living Well mental health services 

-Information on nutrition and healthy eating (healthy food also provided)

-Charity OpenAge promoting their Men’s Space group

-RBKC sports and activity officer talking about local sport + exercise offer and leading stretching exercises

-Free slots with a massage therapist

This event will be a drop-in from 6-8pm, any patients interested will not need to register

Please see poster for further details via